Super Highway Is True

by poogie

American & Canadian Signed Treaty

American & Canadian Signed Treaty

I just came across it while searching for information about a new treaty that was signed between Canada and the US earlier this month.
Here's a link to prove it

This was signed with no congressional approval giving Canada full military control over Americans.
While searching this issue because my husbands' colleages have had relatives comment about recent "weird happenings" such as...a store here in WA with a sign saying something about "We reserve the right to limit quantities" on their store meaning you can not come in and buy large portions of food. Another colleage said his dad, who is a stable and well faithful pastor said something about a "food supply ration" is coming with references that I don't have with me now, but will be back to give them as I get them.
My question is...if something ISN"T going on...then why is the US signing a treaty act as such without consenting with congress or the rest of America? Why is it such a hush? Why the food rashing signs on stores?
The super highway is very clear in Canada. Why not America? Why doesn't our media say anything? Don't they know?
Is there something more going on that isn't being told to the American public?
This treaty (act) was signed earlier this month...Feb 2008. Did anyone in America hear about it? Why not? want US citizens to give up firearms? Think not!

PS The word I am to put in the grid is "Shalom" Oh I wish....

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Sep 28, 2008
NRA and Self Defense
by: TJ Chambers

Yes, it is about self defense but the NRA doesn't get involved with protecting the 2nd amendment for self defense, only for hunting and sport shooting.

They make themselves out to be the good guys. If you can find anywhere that they have supported anything to do with gun rights for self defense, please let me know.

The get involved in pushing things to government to protect our right to hunt but I haven't heard anything that they get involved in protecting our right to self defense.

Sep 28, 2008
Hunting and Self Defense....NRA
by: Anonymous

Ok, I kind of "get it". Isn't that what is in our constitution and Bill of Rights? The right to bear arms even/for purposes of self defense?
I guess I was thrown off, TJ, about the NRA NOT being for the people. I always "thought" that they were the "good guys" and were defending our rights?

Sep 28, 2008
by: TJ Chambers

NRA is all about having guns for hunting. It was not about having guns for self defense as that is what the constitution says about the guns. Everyone has the right to bear arms for self defense.

How do I know this about the NRA? 1st I learned it from Bill Cooper on the

2nd, its right on their website. The state bill of rights and constitutional right to bear arms but only ever refer it to hunting and sporting. Self Defense is missing.

"You believe in the Constitution, staunch in the defense of your rights, and you actively pursue some of this country's finest traditions - Hunting and Sports Shooting. Since its incorporation in 1871, the NRA has grown as a service organization involved in all aspects of the shooting sports and a proud defender of the Bill of Rights."

Register the gun with who? What law? Is it Federal Law? If so, you show me where the Federal government has any jurisdiction over any body in the Several states.

I know for myself, I am in Kansas and do not live nor work on property that has been ceded to the Federal Government. So, they have 0 jurisdiction over me and there are no Federal requirements on me that I have to follow.

Sep 27, 2008
Days Numbered....
by: Anonymous

Rogue government? Really? When did that happen?
Recently? Answer is...No. Truth is, the people you "see" running our government are not the ones running our government. Wish I could prove it, but it's obvious our government has been "rogue" for decades..."Who REALLY killed JFK?"

Sep 27, 2008
NRA Against the People?
by: Anonymous

Hi TJ, I am wondering if you have a link or reference about the NRA "not being for the people"? Are you reasoning that because people do have to register when they buy purchase a firearm? I'm a bit lost to what you mean...
From what I understand, it is a "government law" that has set this in place to cut down on "bad people" obtaining them?
Refresh me, if you will....

Sep 27, 2008
Yes there is hope
by: TJ Chambers

Yes there is hope. #1, they have to disarm us. That means everyone needs to get guns and training on how to use them. We must never give them up and protect each other.

Be very cautious though. NRA is a traitor organization that is against the people, not for us.

Right now, JFPOA (Jews for the Preservation of Fire Arms) is one of the only organizations that I know of that are here to help preserve fire arms rights.

Any gun dealer that is federally certified will report to the BATF that you purchased a gun. The BATF is an Illegal organization and has no jurisdiction over us as people. So, I would avoid buying a gun from someone who is going to report your purchase.

#2 Listen to They have a 24 hour broadcast. I have learned so much in the last 6 months about what we can do than watching all of Alex Jones Documentaries.

Sep 27, 2008
Our days are numbered
by: Anonymous

Our days are definitely numbered. We have a rouge government in power. Is there any hope?

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