Super Highway Is True
by poogie
American & Canadian Signed Treaty
I just came across it while searching for information about a new treaty that was signed between Canada and the US earlier this month.
Here's a link to prove it
This was signed with no congressional approval giving Canada full military control over Americans.
While searching this issue because my husbands' colleages have had relatives comment about recent "weird happenings" such as...a store here in WA with a sign saying something about "We reserve the right to limit quantities" on their store meaning you can not come in and buy large portions of food. Another colleage said his dad, who is a stable and well faithful pastor said something about a "food supply ration" is coming with references that I don't have with me now, but will be back to give them as I get them.
My question is...if something ISN"T going on...then why is the US signing a treaty act as such without consenting with congress or the rest of America? Why is it such a hush? Why the food rashing signs on stores?
The super highway is very clear in Canada. Why not America? Why doesn't our media say anything? Don't they know?
Is there something more going on that isn't being told to the American public?
This treaty (act) was signed earlier this month...Feb 2008. Did anyone in America hear about it? Why not? want US citizens to give up firearms? Think not!
PS The word I am to put in the grid is "Shalom" Oh I wish....