Presidential Election

The Presidential Election will determine who is the next President. The nomination will determine who gets to run for Presidency. In the U.S., we think that we live in a free country. We think that we decide who the President is.

If you sit back and watch the media, you will see how they try to use their propaganda to make you pick the next President.

Let me give you an example. I watched a debate in New Hampshire.
Ron Paul made a statement how the U.S. was bombing the Middle East and doing illegal operations for the last 10 years. This made them want to attack us. Guiliani jumped in and made a nonsense comment.

The Journalist said at the end, thats it, Ron Paul is out of the election now. Why was Ron Paul out? We are still in the early stages. A lot of the American people are learning what is really happening in this country and what really took place on 9/11 (September 11, 2001 terrorist attack).

They then brought the results of the text message poll. They were shocked, Ron Paul was knocking out everyone. They couldn't believe he was winning. They said that he has his people rigging it. Ron Paul probably has the least amount of money in the whole campaign but he has more power to rigg things?

I don't believe it for a second. This is straigh up propraganda by the media trying to control your vote.

Watch out!

Greg Palast made a film called American Blackout. Must see video if you want to understand how the voting system is corrupted and controlled. We have no say who wins in elections.

Here is his other Film Bush Family Fortunes

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Video: Illegal Operations of Hillary Clinton Not rated yet
This is a video of illegal activities that Hillary Clinton was involved in and got a way with. She pinned it on others. She destroyed a company and many …

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